Conference Speakers

Professor & the head of the electromagnetic waves / microwave group in Electronic Engineering Department, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt.Dr. Mahmoud A. Abdalla was born in 1973. He received the B.Sc. degree, with grade of excellent with honors, (GPA=3.91), in electrical engineering from the Electrical Engineering Department, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt in 1995. He was awarded the M.Sc. degree, (GPA = 4) in electrical engineering from Military Technical college in 2000, and the PhD degree from Microwave and Communication group, School of Electrical Engineering, Manchester University, UK, in 2009.
He has been with Military Technical College since 1996 where he is now a professor and the head of the electromagnetic waves / microwave group in Electronic Engineering Department. Also, he has been a Visiting Professor in Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada since 2017.
He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. His research is focusing on miniaturized multiband antennas/wideband microwave/ millimeter components and antennas with great attention are to employ metamaterial / EBG, structures. Also his research includes electromagnetic MIMO antennas, energy harvesting systems, smart antennas, frequency selective surfaces, radar absorber and electromagnetic launchers.
He is currently an editor and a reviewer in many electromagnetic journals such as IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE Transactions in Microwave Theory & Techniques, IEEE Microwave Wireless Components Letters, IEEE Transactions in Magnetics, IET Microwaves, Antenna and Propagation, IET Electronics Letters, IET Communications, Microwave and Optical Technology Letetrs, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, Scentific Reports, AEU Int. journal of communication and electronics, Personal Wireless Communication, Applied Physics, and others.
Dr. Mahmoud Abdalla is a senior member of the IEEE and URSI and the European Microwave Association EuMA.
Dr. Mahmoud was the recipient of Egyptian encouragement state prize award for engineering sciences in 2014. He was awarded the top 1 % Publon worldwide reviewer award for 2018 and 2019

M.Sc (Elec)., MBA (HR)., M.Tech (C&R)., Ph.D (Engg).
1) Subjects Handled: Digital System Design, Microprocessors and Controllers, EMI/EMC, Linear Integrated Circuits and Power Supplies, Satellite Communication, Verilog HDL, Optical Communications, AWP, Computer Organization and Architecture
2) Experience: 17 Years
3) Design Skills: PCB Designing, ASM, MATLAB, Multisim, TINA, Pspice, Active HDL, Xilinx, Modelsim, Ansys HFSS, Concerto, AWR Microwave office, VSS, Logisim, FEKO, COMSOL Multi physics, IE3D, LAB View, EM PRO, DAQ, MyRIO, CST, Savant, EMIT
4) Awareness regarding Teaching Methodologies: ABET USA Standards (PEO’s PO’s, Application Oriented Teaching etc.,), Bloom Taxonomy Based Question Building Course, Preparation of Course Handouts, Lesson Plans, Lab Manuals, Result Analysis, Board of Studies Meeting Procedures, Academic file management at department and Central Level.
5) Academic Achievements: Best Teacher award taken for 2009-10, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2016-17, 2017-18 from KLU, Best Teacher from IQAC on World Quality Day in 2017, Uttam Acharya Puraskar from Indian Servers in 2019, Distinguished Researcher Award from IQAC in 2019, Excellent citation Award from IJIES for 2019.
6) Academic Load: Course Coordinator from Last ten Years, ECE NAAC Criteria-3 In-Charge, FIST Coordinator, Former CSRG Head &Assoc.Dean (Academic Research).
7) Book Publications: 15 International Book PublicationsNo. of Sponsored Projects Completed: 4 (worth of 123 Lakhs)
No. of Sponsored Projects ongoing: 2 (worth of 107 Lakhs)
No. of Projects Applied: 2 (Worth of 3.8Crores)
Total Number of Research Publications: 497
Scopus/SCI Indexed Journals Published: 345
H-Index: 33, I10-Index: 121, Citations: 3646
Professional Memberships: 8
Reviewer for Journals: a) IET Microwaves and Antennas& Propagation, b) IJE (Taylor and Francis, c) IJMWT (Cambridge University), d) JESTEC (Taylor’s University), e) WPS (Springer), f) JESTCH(Elsevier), g) IJECE-AUE(Elsevier) h) IEEE Access, i)International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, j) Results in Physics, k) Ain Shams Engineering(Elsevier), l) Microelectronic Engineering(Elsevier), m) PIER, n) Applied Computational Electromagnetics Journal, o) International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, p) MOTL, q) IEEE AWPL, r) Optik and 6 more
Editorial Board Member: 46 International Journals
Workshops and refresher courses attended: 28
Workshops conducted: 18
FDP’s Conducted: 13
Conferences attended: 32, Session Chair & Co-Chair: 4, Keynote: 2
Conferences conducted as coordinator: 4
Technical Program Committee member for Conferences: 4
Guest Lectures delivered: 52, E-Content/Topics in Social Media: 62
M.Tech/B.Tech Projects Guided: 52
Ph. D Scholars: 07(1 Full Time+1 JRF+1 NDF Scholar+4 Part time)
Ph. D Awarded: 03, Submitted: 03
Research topics of Interest: RF-Microwave and Antennas, Liquid Crystals Applications, Image Processing

Designation: Assistant Professor
Energy Engineering Department
Ph.D. (Energy), M. Tech. (Energy Technology), M. Sc. (Physics)
Dr. Paul has done his Ph.D. in Energy from Tezpur University in 2012. He received his M.Tech degree in Energy Engineering from Tezpur University in 2007. Presently, he is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Energy Engineering, School of Technology, NEHU, Shillong since June 18, 2012. He has been head of the department from October, 2012 till date. Before joining NEHU, he had been working as Assistant Professor in the Centre for Energy Engineering at Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi. His research areas include synthesis and application of nanomaterials, organic solar photovoltaic and catalytic bio-diesel storage in the Department of Energy Engineering in NEHU, Shillong.
Patent Granted
1. R B Srivastava, S K Samdarshi, Samrat Paul, “A process for preparing carbon nanotubes from non-biodegradable polypropylene and polytetratheplelet”. Patent Application No: 430/DEL/2011 of 21.02.2011, Granted on 02/08/2017, Patent No 285978
Patent Applied
1. Dr. S Paul, Dr. M G Choudhury, Mr. R Saha, “Chemical Cutting of a Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs)”. Applied to Department of Science and Technology (DST), TIFAC patent facilitating centre. (Ref no TI(32)/TIFA/2016)
2. Dr. S Paul, Dr. M G Choudhury, Mr. R Saha, “System and method for quantum efficiency/Incident photon to current efficiency measurement” Patent Application No: TEMP/E-1/21261/2020-KOL of 07.05.2020.
3. Dr. S Paul, Dr. M G Choudhury, Mr. R Saha, “Heterogenous nanocatalyst induced Biofuel” Patent Application No: TEMP/E-1/21256/2020-KOL of 07.05.2020
Awards, Prizes and Honours
1. Indian Science Congress Association – Young Scientist award in Engineering Science Section of 99th Congress, January 2012.
2. National Academy of Sciences, India – Swarna Jayanti Puruskar in Physical Sciences Section; 80th Annual session of National Academy of Sciences, India held at Jaipur National University, Jaipur 2010.
3. National Renewable Energy Fellowship – Senior Research Fellow (NRE-SRF) sponsored by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, govt. of India- 2010
4. Best Poster Presentation Award in Engineering Science Section of 96th conference of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), held at North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong- January 2009

Institute of Research Hydro-Québec, Centre of Excellence in Transportation
Electrification and Energy Storage (CETEES),
Hydro-Québec, J3X 1S1, Canada
Dr. M.V. Reddy obtained his Ph. D (2003) with the highest honours in the area of Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Bordeaux1, France. He is currently working as a Senior Researcher (level3) (equivalent to Professor) at the Institute of Research Hydro-Québec, Centre of Excellence in Transportation Electrification and Energy Storage, Hydro-Québec, Canada. From July 2003 to May 2019,he worked at National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore. Over the past 20 years, he has conducted leading research on Materials for Energy Storage (cathodes, anodes, super capacitors and solid electrolytes), Composite materials, solar cells, electro and photo catalysis, including novel methods of synthesis and the evaluation of properties of materials and development of in situ techniques.
Dr. Reddy has published around 200 papers in various international journals. He has obtained an h-index of 66 with over 15650 citations. These have recently placed him within the top 2% highly cited researchers in Energy (Ranking the 1002nd out of 186,500 researchers in 2020).
Dr. Reddy is serving as an editorial advisory board member in Materials Research Bulletin and Journal of Energy Storage (Elsevier) as well as several open access Journals (Materials, Energies and Molecules, MDPI) and the Regional editor: Nanoscience & Nanotechnology-ASIA.Dr Reddy has conducted several workshops related to functional materials and energy storage &conversion and delivered 10Plenary, 23 Keynote, 74 Invited and 18 Contributory talks at various conferences
His research won many awards in national and international conferences. He won an Outstanding Science Mentorship Award (2010- 2018) and an Inspiring Research Mentor Award (2011 to 2019) from Singapore. 2021 Battery Materials award from the Electrochemical Society of India, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India and Invited life member in the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD), USA. Dr. Reddy served as elected committee member in Materials Research Society Singapore (2016-2019) and Institute of Physics Singapore (2015 – March 2018)

Professor & Director, School of Energy Studies, Jadavpur University, India.
Prof. (Dr.) Ratan Mandal received the Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) degree in Power Plant Engineering (1999), M. Tech. degree in Energy Science and Technology (2005) and Ph.D. (Engg.) degree (2017) from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He has three years industrial experience in the field of thermal power plant and has been involving in photovoltaic research with Jadavpur University, since 2005, and made contribution in the field of solar photovoltaic application, fabrication and characterization of compound semiconducting materials for opto-electronics application, use of natural organic semiconducting material for device fabrication and its characterization for energy application.He is currently involved in advanced material research, natural organic semiconducting material research for high speed electronic device formation for opto-electronics as well as energy application. He has published about 43 research paper and book chapters in different reputed International Journals, International and National Conferences. Prof. Mandal has guided more than 40 M.Tech. thesis and has been guiding 6 PhD candidates. He is governing body member of WEBREDA since 2020. Also he is life member of the professional bodies like FOSET and IET. Prof. Mandal has delivered several invited lectures in International, National Conferences, Seminars, Faculty Development Program and Training program in the field of Energy, also organized several International, National Conferences, Seminars, Faculty Development Program and Training program. His areas of interest are in Renewable Energy, Power Engg, Energy Management, Energy Analysis, Solar Photovoltaic Application, Advanced Solar Photovoltaic Material, Natural organic semiconducting materials etc. Presently he is working as Professor and Director at School of Energy Studies, Jadavpur University.

Associate Professor, School of Mines and Metallurgy, Kazi Nazrul University Head (Addl. Charge), Department of Computer Science.
Member, CENTRE FOR ORGANIC SPINTRONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS DEVICES (COSOD)Dr. Arindam BISWAS received M-Tech degree in Radio Physics and Electronics from University of Calcutta, India in 2010 and PhD from NIT Durgapur in 2013. He has worked as a Post- Doctoral Researcher at Pusan National University, South Korea with prestigious BK21PLUS Fellowship, Republic of Korea 2015, DST-JSPS Invitation Research Grant Award in 2020. He got Visiting Professor at Research Institute of Electronics, Shizouka University, Japan. He has been selected for IE(I) Young Engineer Award : 2019-20 from Institute of Engineers (I), India. Dr. Biswas has 12 years’ of experience in teaching research and administration. Presently Dr. Biswas is working as an Associate Professor in School of Mines and Metallurgy at Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, WB, India. He has 53 technical papers in different journals and 35 conference proceedings and 7 books, 06 Edited Volume and 06 book chapter with international repute. Dr. Biswas received research grant from Science and Engineering Research Board , Govt of India, under Early Career Research Scheme for research in Terahertz based GaN Source. He has also received Research Grant from Centre of Biomedical Engineering, Tokoyo Medical and Dental University in association with RIE, Shizouka University, Japan for study of biomedical THz Imaging based on WBG semiconductor IMPATT Source for two consecutive years 2019-20 and 2020-2021. Presently Dr. Biswas is serving as an Associate Editor of Cluster Computing, Springer (SCI Indexed). Dr. Biswas has produced 06 PhD students in different topics of applied optics and high frequency semiconductor device. He has organized and chaired difference International Conferences in India and abroad. His research interest is in carrier transport in low dimensional system and electronic device, non-linear optical communication, THz Semiconductor Source. Dr. Biswas acted as reviewer for reputed journals, member of the Institute of Engineers (India) and Regular Fellow of Optical Society of India (India).